We grow our plants with 45 years of combined experience!


Plant Care Instructions


Tropical Pitcher Plant - Nepenthes

Also called “Monkey Cups”, these tropical plants are native to southeastern Asia. They grow well as house plants as long as they receive ample amount of light to produce their exquisite pitchers. Artificial light can be beneficial especially in winter time to keep them happy and producing their traps.

Butterworts -Pinguicula

Tropical Sundews - Drosera

Sundews come in many sizes and shapes but some are much hardier and forgiving. Watering is super easy on these; always standing on a saucer of (rain/purified/ro-) water. Fungus gnats, fruit flies and house flies are mainly on their dinner plate.

US Native Pitcher Plants - Sarracenia

Apparently rarely seen in full glory; these natives boast in full sun. Just not in our garden soil! Feeding is not necessary as they are so effective in catching their own food they will start to suffer from indigestion come late fall!



The biggest reason people fail with their carnivorous plants is wrong care instructions! “I had a flytrap and it died-conversation usually leads to hearing “it was kept inside” - well it belongs outside! :-)”