Pinguicula sp. / Tropical Butterworts

SUN:  Provide part sun, or a minimum of three hours of direct light. If burning occurs, move to lower light and slowly acclimate to higher light. Butterworts produce more colorful and sticky foliage in bright light. 

WATER:  Use rain, distilled, or reverses osmosis water. Keep soil moist! Place the pot in a shallow saucer and water overhead as soon as the water in the saucer evaporates.  Don't let the pot sit in water for extended periods (can cause root rot).  Wicking/African violet pots are helpful for worry free watering

TEMPERATURE AND DORMANCY:  The butterworts we sell will do well in average household temperature. Protect from frost. Many tropical butterworts transition to succulent, non-carnivorous leaves for a few months once a year before producing sticky leaves again.   

SOIL: Tropical butterworts enjoy a well-draining, nutrient poor soil. Our favorite mix is 1 part each of course vermiculite, perlite, silica sand, and peat moss. Don’t use regular potting soil. 

FERTILIZER/FEEDING:  1 /4 strength orchid fertilizer can be sprayed on the leaves once every couple weeks. They are not fond of large amounts of soil fertilization. They will feed on fungus gnats, springtails, and other similarly sized creatures.